Old 4 NEW – Badminton Trainers

Old 4 NEW –  Trainers

SWAP your badminton trainers ‘OLD 4 NEW’ with money off.  Have you got an old pair of badminton trainers that are too small OR you want to get a new pair.  Then why not do a swap with ForzaWM and get money off your new pair.

Old 4 new

ForzaWM recycle old trainers by giving them to young new players, who are new to badminton and would like to commit to the sport.  Helping them keep the cost down when starting a new sport.

Old trainers help the young new players out and get them in the right footwear from day one.  If their feet are protected and comfortable it may help them on a long a prosperous badminton journery. 

OLD 4 new - Badminton shoesFirst send us a photo of your old trainers and let us know which pair of new trainers you want. We will then give you money off your purchase in exchange for the old trainers. Alternatively just donate your old pair of badminton trainers so we can help newer players start their badminton career.

Start shopping for your new trainers HERE.

Help us help other badminton players.

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